User | summertop92

Tick List

1 trip North Fork of Iron Wash - San Rafael Swell
Date: 03/22/2024
Did the canyon with Johnny. It was in perfect conditions. All the pools were full. It was warm for most of the time but wetsuits were nice for the darker colder parts of the canyon. It took us just over three hours, and we took a lot of breaks and hung out and enjoyed the canyon.
1 trip Baptist Draw - Southern Swell
Date: 03/21/2024
Bad day to be in the canyon. Clouds came in FAST. We got lucky and made it out no problem but it could have been bad. Was raining on us as we walked back to the truck
1 trip Hyde Draw - Central Swell
Date: 03/20/2024
Short but a goodie. To Llama and John on there first canyon trip


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