Canyoneering Corral Canyon
Moroni Slopes
Tue 52 | 34 |
Wed 51 | 30 |
Thu 47 | 36 |
Fri 44 | 30 |
Sat 51 | 26 |
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Tue 52 | 34 |
Wed 51 | 30 |
Thu 47 | 36 |
Fri 44 | 30 |
Sat 51 | 26 |
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Tucked in a remote corner of the San Rafael Swell, Corral Canyon is very infrequently visited. In Steve Allen's book Canyoneering The San Rafael Swell, he describes a hike in Corral Canyon:
"The canyon ends at a long section of rapidly falling potholes. They will be a challenge to future canyoneers."
Reading his description, of course, sparked my interested in the canyon. At the time a friend of mine had descended the canyon but had bypassed the infamous potholes via a high bench. This only added to the mystery.
We visited loaded for bear and found the canyon quite tame. The potholes require a bit of skill but are relatively straight forward. The canyon itself is much more open than many of the canyons in the Swell, and quite a different character. Charming, but not a canyon I'm likely to repeat very often. If you are looking for solitude, the camping near the trailhead generally has it!
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