Lower Eardley | Trip Report

Johnsutah Trip Reports

Lower Eardley

Fantastic day even though way hot. Got in Friday eve and watched a beautiful lightning show to the east. No rain. The 2 of us started hiking about 9am which though early for us was still late for the heat. The hike up the side of the canyon is short but steep and tough. By 9:45-10 heat was brutal. There is webbing on the Juniper at the rim. No carabiner on it and the down climb is reasonable if careful. Maybe it's just there as a marker. The rest of rappells were all in good shape.

Canyon was FULL to the rim with cool chocolately water. Super fun and heat no longer an issue. Had to exit potholes twice like beaches whales. Could never see where you were stepping which led to a few fun suprises. Probably could have cannonballed into half the pools, but with no visibility that was not an option.

Back to car in 6.5 hours. Zero Gravity was on the agenda for Sunday. Eardley had been so satisfying and we still had 4 hours of sitting in 100 degress at camp so we called it a weekend and went home.

Had an absolute blast. Directions were great!



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Johnsutah Trip Reports