Psmabbitt | Trip Reports

Keyhole Canyon, Zion's NP.

What a fun little canyon! In fact, so fun we ran it twice just to be sure. 7 of us again, with "Expected Flash Flooding" as the Zion's Backcountry desks forecast. Flash flood warnings are not to be taken lightly, and we certainly don't encourage anyone to base your decisions on our good fortune this trip, but we determined we had a good 3 hour window for adventure before the afternoon storms built up, so we gave ourselves a thumbs up on running Keyhole Canyon. The group ahead of u......


Birch Hollow, Just Outside of Zion NP, 8-31-13

Forecast: rain, thunderstorms, and flash flooding. Sky: mostly sunny. Decision: run it fast and get to Orderville Gulch as quickly as possible. Outcome: We had a beautiful, sunny run through Birch Hollow, and an amazing Flash Flood experience in Orderville Gulch. Truly an adventure worth taking. Flash Flood warnings are NOT to be taken lightly. Under no circumstances do I recommend you making decisions to go ahead with a canyon trip during a flood warning. We made the decision b......
