Pleiades Canyon | Trip Report

amellowfellow Trip Reports

Pleiades Canyon

Pleiades Canyon

My buddy and I completed this canyon yesterday (9/17/16). It was my first weekend canyoneering, and my partner was the one showing me the sport. Unfortunately, on the 3rd rappel, he pulled his shoulder out instinctively grabbing onto a rock(Not a great place to be injured). Fortunately, we knew enough from rock climbing/rescue to get him out of there safely and rush to the ER. We had two ropes but also left two ropes because I managed to get them stuck in a state of panic and uncertainty. I wasn't familiar with clean anchor systems. A lot was learned, and will wait to return until my canyoneering knowledge is better. If you happen to read this and retrieve the ropes anytime soon, I would greatly appreciate the return (primarily the blue rope) and pay for any sort of shipping with a reward. Email me



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amellowfellow Trip Reports