One from the archives :: December 2005 :: Tezcatlipoca | Trip Report

roadtripryan Trip Reports

One from the archives :: December 2005 :: Tezcatlipoca

Well, thought I'd toss a quick TR in case anyone is interested. I enjoy writing them more than you probably enjoy reading them....

Friday I met up with a friend in Arches for Off-balanced rock. The temp, a balmy 30-something with a breeze, proved too harsh, so we scoped out some climbs I want to do, and did the tourist thing... A nice, casual day!

By late afternoon, my partner was looking at the cold night to come with utter dread, so she decided to bail to the warmth and comfort of indoors. She made a good choice.

As I ate dinner I weighed my options. After gorging myself with 2 cinnamon rolls in the warmth of my car, courage was building, so I dashed to cell range on I-70 and called SLC to leave a check-in with my plans.

I camp at the Sunshine wall, just south of I-70 to hike into Tezcatlipoca in the morning. A very restless night, it's COLD! Even with a 0 degree bag and liner, the night pokes and prods me with her harsh icy fingers. Should have taken a tent..... At one point I think I hear 2 cows whispering near by-

"I hear if you touch a human while they are asleep they stand up..."
"... no way.. that's a myth..."
"Come on, touch him, I dare you..."

The cow by morning light...

As I slowly open one eye, they avert their gaze and nonchalantly wander off. Hmmm....

Satuday @ 7AM I make the approach to Tezcatlipoca, taking gear "just in case it looks reasonable". Really cool approach, and a REALLY cool place. Tezcatlipoca is at the top of a cliff in a glen made up of Entrada sandstone. As soon as I saw it, I was mesmerized...

I size up the tower, decide I'm only going to live once, rig an anchor, and head up on my first roped solo. It had it's moments, but went OK. Fun little tower. Guidebook says 5.5, Internet says 5.7. I'd say it's maybe 5.7.

Lot's of hoots and hollers from the top, and I head back. A friend calls me when I get home, with a quote that summed up how I felt after my first roped solo -

"I don't know if you know, but I'm kind of a big deal." - Ron Burgendy




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roadtripryan Trip Reports