Trip Stats | San Rafael Knob - Central Swell

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Camped at top of Devil’s Canyon and bike down to canyon floor. Too sandy to continue biking. When we go to the Knob there was a cairned trail on the right which we followed up to the north side of a west facing ridge. The class 4 stuff was fine-solid rock slab. Fun hiking to the top of the Knob and beautiful views. The hike out was fast but biking out of the canyon was slow. A lot of walking. Got a late start for the hike-started around 1:30 pm but it only took about 4.5 hours. Around 2.6 miles biking and 8 miles hiking.

scramble was too much for us, so we didn't make it to the peak. Still stunning views

Hiked as per Allen's instructions, edition 1. Unnamed return canyon was more interesting than Devils, which was a relatively uninteresting sand slog.


