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Tick List

1 trip Baptist Draw - Southern Swell
Date: 05/25/2024
We really liked this canyon. lots of really neat narrows and small up climbs. would have been better if it had more than two rappels. took us 4 hours.
1 trip4 trip Upper Black Dragon Wash - Central Swell
Date: 05/24/2024
it was hot so we wanted to try a canyon with water. we brought Alma because you can work your way around all rappels. it was pretty and fun, but wouldn't go back with a dog.would be great on a very hot day.
1 trip3 trip Leprechaun Canyon - North Wash
Date: 04/01/2024
took the 3 of us 5 hrs. slow going with a lot of stemming over water. would have been much faster had Levity done more stemming on her own. We had to pass her back / forth and carry her across. It was tiring.
3 trip4 trip Hog Springs - North Wash
Date: 03/31/2024
Hiked to the pool. Took us about 1 hour. Would be a great place to swim on a hot day.
4 trip Little Egypt - North Wash
Date: 03/25/2023
approx date. worth seeing once
1 trip Shillelagh Canyon - North Wash
Date: 03/25/2023
3 of us. just an okay canyon.
1 trip Hogwarts Canyon - North Wash
Date: 03/25/2023
3 of us. neat canyon
1 trip Angel Slot - Angel Point
Date: 11/26/2022
4 stars 3 1/2 hours with Levity
1 trip3 trip Sunglow Canyons / Trail - Bicknell
Date: 11/25/2022
Camped at the closed camp sight. Awesome canyon!
1 trip Lupacchiotta Canyon - Central Swell
Date: 11/19/2022
can't remember exactly date. thought the canyon was neat although some of the rappel starts were awkward
1 trip Morocco Canyon - North Wash
Date: 11/01/2022
Approximate date, did with Braden, Levity, Addie and Brooke
1 trip Blarney Canyon - North Wash
Date: 04/01/2022
approximate date - did this with Braden, Levity and Brooke
3 trip Cathedral Wash - Marble Canyon
Date: 11/01/2016
B and I hiked it while pregnant


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