Rock Corral
Northern Henry Mountains
Tucked up near the northern Henry Mountains, along the transition zone between the mountain and desert environments, is the Rock Corral. This natural feature creates a rock "corral" that ranchers used and closed with a log fence to contain animals. Long before ranchers, however, Native Americans also used the area. Signs of their time at the site are found in petroglyphs they left behind, as well as one of the largest concentration of grinding areas I have seen. I assume the ancient peoples collected grasses and seeds from the surrounding environment and processed them at the site. To my very untrained eye, the rock art appeared to be older than many of the other sites I have seen in the area.
It is an interesting place to visit. In addition to the rock art and grinding sites, we enjoyed poking around the area in general. There is an immense alcove that has partially collapsed, creating a dark cave area, as well as big views of the deserts to the north and San Rafael Swell in the distance. This is an area with a lot of slick rock and nooks and crannies to check out! We spent a fair bit of a day here, and wished we had more time.
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