Hiking Hotel Rock
Cedar Mesa
Sat 60 | 37 |
Sun 57 | 34 |
Mon 64 | 36 |
Tue 54 | 40 |
Wed 55 | 31 |
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Sat 60 | 37 |
Sun 57 | 34 |
Mon 64 | 36 |
Tue 54 | 40 |
Wed 55 | 31 |
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Hotel Rock is a fairly well preserved Native American ruin perched on a mesa above Arch Canyon. The ruin itself is very unique and worth visiting, but requires a bit of a hike to reach. Although not particularly far in distance, the hike is fairly steep and gains a lot of elevation. This is considered a moderate hike. The rewards, however, are many. The views of Comb Ridge, Arch Canyon, and the surrounding area are splendid and make the effort very worthwhile. There is also quite good primitive camping at the trailhead, making this an ideal place to spend a weekend camping and visiting the sights. The trailhead is generally reachable by any vehicle.
Also be sure to checkout Arch Canyon Ruin and Walnut Knob Panel when in the area.
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