Canyoneering Blue John Canyon
Robbers Roost
Thu 74 | 47 |
Fri 65 | 50 |
Sat 60 | 40 |
Sun 59 | 37 |
Mon 64 | 40 |
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Thu 74 | 47 |
Fri 65 | 50 |
Sat 60 | 40 |
Sun 59 | 37 |
Mon 64 | 40 |
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Aaron Ralston made Blue John Canyon famous. He became trapped there in May of 2003 when a rock shifted and pinned his arm in the lower section. Five days after becoming trapped, he amputated his arm with a small knife and freed himself.
The canyon complex itself is many people's first canyon experiences, and for good reason. The different forks of Blue John offer different challenges and scenery but are very accessible to beginning canyoneers. Several options are available for combining the forks, depending on time available and motivation. My most recommended route for those with a little climbing ability is down the East Fork and up the Main Fork. For those unsure of their climbing ability, Little Blue John is great and allows exploring the main fork as far a ability allows, then returning via the short Little Blue exit.
Full Blue John, from the top down and out The Great Galley is one of my favorites. It is long and feels like an accomplishment, with a stunning slot section. The final section that Aaron got stuck in is dark and dramatic. To me, it is the most beautiful part of Blue John Canyon. The hike out passes world-class rock art panels, see The Great Gallery write-up for more information. The length, however, makes this one that is not commonly done and requires a fit and reasonably fast group with two cars.
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