Trip Stats | Blue John Canyon - Robbers Roost

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Little Blue John to lower narrows with 5 adults, 1 12 year old. Completely dry


Friday, May 17 – We descended the East Fork of Bluejohn (3A/B) and climbed up the Main Fork of Bluejohn (3A). We hiked from our camp at Granary Springs towards the East Fork of Bluejohn, bypassing the optional 40-foot rappel at the beginning of the canyon DCR. The canyon was dry until we reached the point where the Squeeze Fork meets the East Fork, where we encountered unavoidable water in a few potholes, some of which were knee-deep. There is a 23-foot handline connected to a bolt above one of the potholes. Later we found a baby rattlesnake, which we easily maneuvered around. After leaving the East Fork, we walked through the sandy wash for about two hours to reach the Main Fork of Bluejohn. The weather was hot, with temperatures in the 80s, so we took frequent breaks in the shade. Upon entering the Main Fork, we were relieved by the cooler temperatures and awed by the spectacular, cathedral-like canyon walls. At the beginning of the Main Fork, we encountered another baby rattlesnake. From the bottom of the Main Fork, there are several long and narrow upclimbs that were fun. After exiting the canyon, the hike back to camp took about an hour. Looking back, I think I would have preferred to avoid the East Fork of Bluejohn and just descended the Main Fork instead. The East Fork mostly involved a canyon hike and wasn't particularly beautiful or interesting. In contrast, the Main Fork was quite spectacular and stunning.

Tyler Sam Braden

Flash flood so…. W fork bluejohn to top of lower, then middle fork to the cathedral



4 rappels in little Bluejohn to west entrance exit with some exploring in main and west fork. 1st 2 rappels were probably easy down climbs but we were there to use ropes so we opted to use them this time.

Squeeze fork

Little Blue John (little west fork) Brought 10 ppl down in 4.5 hours. Wide canyon that is easy to move through. Beautiful desert walk to get to the rappels. Hour+ hike back to the cars. Great beginners canyon

Little Bluejohn to West Fork Exit (climber exit)


Little blue fork Jamien, Matt, Carry and Luke

3.5c2c including 1hr. detour up main fork to great chamber. todd, Kristin, me. 30 minutes flood exposure for this fast group.

3.5c2c including 1hr. detour up main fork to great chamber. todd, Kristin, me. 30 minutes flood exposure for this fast group.

Rainy weather so walked down the short exit to LBJ. From LBJ exit back to camper 1 hour (20 minute steep hike out of canyon)

Me & Montgomery down Little Blue to the pour over. Rained on us at the first rappel (and thunder), waist deep water in lower narrows.

Dry all anchors intact



With Zane

Morgan, Bryce, Elsa, Hawkin, Seth, and I! We did a loop down little blue and up the main fork. STELLAR! Little blue had several fun smaller rappels with not much squeeze but some nice narrows. TBH my parents (someone without a ton of down climbing experience) could have enjoyed little blue. We walked up the main fork with had a SUPER deep walking narrows section for like a half mile! It then abruptly climbed to the surface with sustained 5.6 off width/chimneying/face climbing. Very secure but hard work! We exited the main fork right above the squeeze section and cut back to our camp/car. The next day, Hawkin and his fam went down the little blue exit and walked up the main fork to the squeeze section for a fun family friendly out and back.


Do not do Blue John as your first canyon. Though popular, this is not an easy Canyon, and it’s very easy to get lost in. Bring GPS, go prepared, and know what you’re doing. Read the story below. Did the full blue John via little blue with two experienced canyoneers on a Friday, car to car in seven hours. Recent floods showed water lines 30+ feet up in box Canyon sections, scary... We saw no one else until just after the final repel in blue John. We saw a group of four people there, and when I asked them their route, And which fork they started with, they had no idea what I was talking about, merely repeating they did the rappel we just did. I asked if they had dirt bikes (we saw two at little blue trailhead, the only other vehicles anywhere around) which they confirmed. They then hiked on as we ate lunch. 10 minutes later their group leader hiked back to us, and asked what the easiest route back to their bikes would be. He argued with me when I told him there was no way back to their bikes now and they were past 2 to 3 irreversible repels. He had no gps, and pulled out his map for me to orient him. I quickly realized that his map did not include the full blue john, but only the forks, as his plan was to go up the west fork. Well off of their map, his plan was now to take the next right, and try to climb up and out, which would’ve been at horseshoe Canyon and would’ve made them extremely lost and out of the way for any canyoneers or hikers. To make things worse this was their first canyon, they had told no one where they were or what they were doing, and they were staying in Moab. Noone would have known where to look for them, nor would have known they were missing for a few days. We hiked them out, and gave them a ride back to their vehicle, while explaining how close they were to spending several days out there they were. No other groups did the canyon that day. Then the next day, it rained HARD, and we are now certain we saved them not only several shitty days, but likely saved their lives. Go prepared, and be safe.

Steve and Montgomery - down Little Blue, up main fork a bit, overland exit to west fork campsite

Did little blue down to Ralston chockstone and then back up the West Fork. 12.5 miles. 105 degrees.


With Kevin

With WSS. Down little out main.

Only did Little Blue John. Need to go back for the full send! Amazing canyon!

With WSS. Down east out little west.

With M,D,A. West out main.

H2, SW, TC, ER, EA, AH, EH. We did Little Blue John and up the Main Fork. I would NOT reco this ever again for myself. Even bela said it was sketchy and stupid to do the upclimbs and i fully agree. Crazy hard. Instead do Little Blue John then explore up the main fork as far a ability allows, then return via the short Little Blue exit. OR consider going down blue john and out the LBJ exit.

Little Blue Fork with Mariana



Little Blue John

Dana bday canyon! Went with Dana, JaM, Dane, Lara, Mike, and Shae. Botch of a sand hike out though

We went down Little Blue John and up the West Fork. Little Blue is a really pretty canyon. Reminds me of Antelope Canyon in spots. The rappels are all scenic and memorable. I thought this fork was pretty short and left me wanting more. We continued down to the West Fork exit to make the adventure a little longer. There were a few easy up-climbs. The day felt more like a canyon hike than normal technical canyoneering. I would like to try one of the longer forks or lower Blue John or both! This route took us just over 4 hours with a lunch break.

- Little Blue to Main Fork exit. - want to explore up main fork as exit

Little blue! Great intro to canyoneering with Matt. Short and fun!

Fun canyon, great raps, not too narrow, went down Little Blue John and up West Fork. West Fork up climbs was more fun than expected and doable by all in our party.

Kevin and BK.

Did bike to the BJ main fork then went to the Horseshoe Canyon trail head. Encountered thunderstorms and heavy rain. Epic day.

Brian Reischl, Lee Katherine Goldstein, Chuck Cooper, Lauren Brenneman

Did with Doug

2019 with Cody one of my favorites


Little Blue John


Did LBJ down main and all the way out horseshoe. Beyond beautiful, and we didn't see a single person the entire trip save for passing a vehicle on the drive back to the highway. Recent rains meant lots of water in the lower slots. The deepest pool went at least waist deep, but all could be navigated carefully to no more than knee deep. Clay at the bottom of the pools made each downclimb slower as our footing became slicker. Hike out was nice at least, as the washes were damp enough to have packed sand, and we passed by several families of curious burros. Overall an unforgettable outing.



Little Blue

Started at Little Blue Trailhead. (Dan and I) Went down Little Blue (dry), up Middle Fork. Stemming would be difficult for weaker members, a couple of exposed stems about 15 -20 feet off the canyon floor. After, we went down East fork. Ran into two cows. We were thinking of doing squeeze fork, but due to time did not. East fork had pools (were very cold). Required some buddy assists. After the slots it punches out to a wide wash. Hiked down canyon to the confluence with Blue John. Hiked up West Fork. Got back to the car as the sun was setting.


Little Blue John

Dropped down little Blue then climbed out Main.

Went down little West Fork to Confluence and up main Fork to repel point back down Main fork and it exited via West Canyon to the road. Camped at Sand pipes

Went down Little Blue John which was beautiful and then ascended the Main Fork which was hard work (but fun!). Glad the two groups we met descending the main fork were after we'd finished ascending! Not much room for passing! Also amused that they both asked us if they were in Main Fork. One 20m pool in the Main Fork about thigh deep. Doesn't look like it is going anywhere soon.


Full Blue John via Little Blue John was amazing. A long day, but the canyons were spectacular.

Main fork - west fork with bike shuttle (5 hrs)

We went down little blue john and continued down the wash to the Ralston chockstone and reversed up canyon to the main fork where we up climbed the canyon and returned to the car in about 8 hours. The middle fork was completely dry and there was a few shallow pools past the Ralston chockstone.

long hike out, but worth it

Down Little Blue, up Blue John Proper

West Fork & Little Blue, nice canyons to do in colder weather.

Climbing out of Horseshoe Canyon took 2-3 hours with 14 of us climbing out!

First trip down with Montgomery and Kramak

LBJ down WF up


Did Little Blue John. Slot sections were beautiful. Team: Dylan, Todd, Megan, Logan, Lily, Jamin, Jonnah, Kyle.

We tried to find the arm!!! haha, great canyon! Super beautiful!

Was our first canyon out in the roost. Fun. Didn't realize this is where 127hours happened.

We did all 5 forks, down little blue john, up main, over to squeeze fork, down east to confluence of main and up west. took us about 9 hours only 1-120 ft rope was needed


Brought a saw just in case...

1st canyon in the Roost. Descended Little Blue and ascended the Middle Fork. Nice narrows in the middle. Got a work out climbing up.

Little Blue

Squeeze Fork w MW, last rap in the dark, missed a turn on the exit. return to TH about 4am.

We went down the East fork and climbed back up the Main fork. Water up to hips at some spots. East fork is my favorite canyon so far.


Descended east fork and ascended main fork. Enjoyed the main fork narrows - beautiful. Up climbing was tough, but a great time. Group of 4 with Kelton, Connor, and Sean.


Did the whole hike through Blue John to the Great Gallery. Awesome day, very tired by the end, over 13.5 miles of hiking

First time in robbers roost.




First-ever canyoneering adventure with Westminster College outdoor program. Memorable, to say the least! I believe we did West Fork.




Complete Main Fork, out Horseshoe

With Dennis and Carlos after the adventure race. Amamzing trip but was a tough drive home after the full 17-mile day!

West Fork to Main Fork and back...


With Bart. Went down Squeeze var of EF & came up main fork (didn't use rope but 6m webbing was handy).



