Todo List
Capitol Reef
Escalante & Bryce
Robbers Roost
Tick List
Date: 09/22/2023
Fantastic! Slog factor is high on this one but we’ll worth it
Fantastic! Slog factor is high on this one but we’ll worth it
Date: 09/25/2022
8 hours with three new guests. Some water in dark section.
8 hours with three new guests. Some water in dark section.
Date: 10/03/2021
Solo. Great!! Road was pretty washed out. Some small pools
Solo. Great!! Road was pretty washed out. Some small pools
Date: 09/26/2021
With Matt, Avery Drew and Clair. Couple pools. Good cairn options at end.
With Matt, Avery Drew and Clair. Couple pools. Good cairn options at end.
Date: 09/25/2021
With m,D,A,C. Pretty mellow out and back.
With m,D,A,C. Pretty mellow out and back.
Mindbender Canyon - Robbers Roost
Date: 2023-09-25
Comment: Descended 9-24-23. Was disappointed to find two bolted anchors in the canyon. One at the sneak arou...
Egypt 1 Canyon - Escalante
Date: 2022-09-19
Comment: E1 is a mud/clay slog currently, with two waist deep pools right before the exit. I’d give it a cou...
Mindbender Canyon - Robbers Roost
Date: 2021-10-05
Comment: on 9-27-21 half the webbing and one deadman was hanging in space over the lip, a second deadman with...
Tidwell Canyon - High Spur
Date: 2021-10-02
Comment: I though the canyon was fantastic, while not as sculpted, as High Spur, the lower narrows were as re...