User | cassandracyril

Todo List

Tick List

1 trip Main Butler - North Wash
Date: 04/06/2024
Connor, Ally, Berkeley, Laurie - 5+ hrs
1 trip Shenanigans - Middle West Butler
Date: 03/22/2024
With Jeff
1 trip Constrychnine Canyon - Poison Spring
Date: 03/21/2024
With Jeff
1 trip Yankee Doodle Canyon - Leeds
Date: 05/20/2023
Kate, Rob, Kylie
1 trip Spry Canyon - Zion Main Canyon
Date: 05/19/2023
Just me and Kylie!
1 trip Boltergeist Canyon - Leeds
Date: 05/15/2023
Kylie, Kate, Rob after work
1 trip Behunin Canyon - Zion Main Canyon
Date: 05/14/2023
Rob and Kate
1 trip Diana's Throne Canyon - Zion East Side
Date: 05/13/2023
Kylie, Rob, Kate
1 trip Keyhole Canyon - Zion Main Canyon
Date: 05/12/2023
Rob, Kate, Kylie
1 trip Pine Creek - Zion Main Canyon
Date: 05/12/2023
Kylie, Rob, Kate - exit was pretty exhausting
1 trip3 trip Leprechaun Canyon - North Wash
Date: 04/02/2023
With Connor and Mike
1 trip Hogwarts Canyon - North Wash
Date: 04/01/2023
With Connor and Mike
1 trip Horse Play Canyon - North Wash
Date: 04/01/2023
With Connor and Mike
1 trip Medieval Chamber - Moab
Date: 03/19/2023
4 of us on March 19, took 3h45m car to car (we set up a shuttle at grandstaff), probably could’ve done 3hrs without waiting behind a guided group. Straightforward and lovely! The downclimb just before the first rappel had a big pool at the bottom, we scrambled up to the right LDC to avoid. Used a 200’ plus a 120’ pull cord.
3 trip Fiery Furnace - Arches National Park
Date: 03/18/2023
Sean, Hunter, Kate, Rob, me for 8 hrs on Lomatium / Krill
1 trip Big Horn Canyon - Arches National Park
Date: 11/27/2022
Kate and I did this while Matt trail ran; took us 3h15m not counting the road walk (we waited at the exit for him to pick us up). Amazing hike in, the tunnel exceeded expectations. A bit tricky to find the canyon from the Mesa. Good problem solving and great views along the whole canyon! So much fun
1 trip Sunseed Canyon - Kane Creek
Date: 11/26/2022
With Kate and Matt after U-Turn. Downclimbs & big rap were spooky for Matt; Kate was nervous but enjoyed it a lot. I was able to do all the downclimbs (everything up until the big rap) without rope; the last drywall I rapped but then climbed up to retrieve the webbing & downclimbed; the second drop just before the big rap I used Matt as a meat anchor to check out the anchor, but then climbed back up to assist & made it down unaided.
1 trip U-Turn Canyon - Arches National Park
Date: 11/26/2022
With Kate and Matt! His first canyon.
1 trip Shillelagh Canyon - North Wash
Date: 10/22/2022
Did this with Kylie, Kate, Rob. 2 hrs car to car, unplanned afternoon after Stegosaur went faster than expected (camped at the Blarney TH). What a surprise! We loved it. Started slow and then got excellent starting at the second rappel. Extended start at the first but good courtesy rigging. Second one is getting lots of rope grooves so we did releasable rigging (CEM), it worked great! Lots of fun playing in the narrows & downclimbs, went on longer than expected.
1 trip Stegosaur Slot - Capitol Reef
Date: 10/22/2022
Did this with Maddie, Sam, Kylie, Kate, Rob. Passed that photography tour group on the hike in. Long hike in, scramble up to the saddle wasn’t too tough & amazing views. Wasn’t sure what was the stegosaur. Slabby first rappel, did the whole way on rope with a short scramble down after. Replaced the webbing on the first rap, it was wearing at the bolts & the water knot. Brushy for a little while, Kylie went back for her gloves at some point. Second short rap possibly is downclimbable? Second anchor set up as a rap 3 pull 2 on a tree far back, separate from the one high left LDC. We used that one which is a tougher pull, but Maddie went last on a double strand to make it smoother. After that the narrows started!! We didn’t even notice the downclimb, this was all fun and good practice but nothing sketchy. Had lunch in an opening, saw some other people up on the rim - south fork? Last rappel set up on a slab start on a bush, there’s an extra single strand of webbing that’s unnecessary. Short hike out from there! Took us 4.5 hours car to car.
1 trip Cassidy Arch Canyon - Capitol Reef
Date: 10/21/2022
Did this after old school, took 6 of us 4 hrs car to car with two ropes so Maddie went first and set up the next rope each time, very fast! Funny that I ended up with all the carabiners from the blocks. First rappel had an audience! Very long & heady. I don’t know how to add good mid rappel friction. Second rappel traverse is a bit sketchy but fine if you’ve done that sort of thing before. Also very long but less heady. 3 and 4 we set up on a single rope (do as multistage tho because the grooves are shit from people doing it all in one), and then 5 is super tight squeeze. 6 is the super cool natural bridge, then a short tree downclimb, then 7 you take a cable, then we don’t remember rappel 8. Awesome cave that we crawled thru to exit!! A couple spooky & tough rappels but straightforward, great for day 1
1 trip Old School - Capitol Reef
Date: 10/21/2022
Fairly easy approach, stream was extremely cold!! And many spiky plants. There’s a good trail to the start to avoid crypto. First stemming bit is straightforward, good intro. Kate and I rappelled the downclimb, decent anchor but lots of grooving there. Rappel is a bit of a tricky start (down into the slot) and then over the pool - we all made it!! I went first and safetied into the mid point anchor, then the rope reached all the way. Everyone got across dry, I stuck around at the midpoint. Forgot to attach a pull cord but had enough to get to me, so I pulled from there and just I rappelled off of the piton (better pull from the end). Straightforward walk out from there! Lots of fun, great intro (did this with Maddie, sam, Kylie, Kate, rob), 2 hrs car to car with lots of futzing at the pool
1 trip Tierdrop Canyon - Arches National Park
Date: 10/19/2022
Super easy start, bolted anchor on the left that looks less accessible than it is. Didn’t throw enough roped, probably 80-90’ but a single 200’ was fine. Did a Biner block after a contingency just in case Walk left side of a pothole full of sand, found a bomber double point anchor on the left wall. A 200’ rope is going to be just enough to make this work. Our rope bag made it to 5’ off the ground Far right side is a bolted anchor, long blue webbing sling so you can safety and look over the edge (prob not enough to see the bottom). Maybe 150’ rappel? Definitely used the other 200’ as the pull, a shorter pull probably would’ve been fine. Tons of rope grooving but don’t use a CEM, lots of knobs to catch the loop. This was the one I had issues wanting to use an auto lock but then not setting it up right, burned my hand Went right to the exit instead of the left, did a grim crawl style belly crawl to get across to the last rappel of not tierdrop! Fun way to finish
1 trip Not Tierdrop Canyon - Arches National Park
Date: 10/19/2022
Scramble up to the first ledge was very easy. I appreciated a handline at the top but two people at my level could easily spot / assist each other Went to the left and rapped off a fixed point, used 2 200’ with a Biner block and a normal pull. Rope grooves but oh well Tree for a second anchor but so far back, felt like the pull would get caught in the garden. And that’s be a two stage rappel. We went to the right, could’ve built a cairn or used an existing big rock but further up to the right is a bolted anchor! Use that, easy and great overhang rappel . We did CEM, a single 200’ was enough for the entire setup. Nice to have kept the second 200’ at the top to confirm it’d all be long enough. Walked to the left looking for the juniper tree, found a bolt with a single big ring closer to the edge. Just rapped down to the first level, 30’ ish. Did a Biner block, walk off down to the left and then easy walk out to the trail
1 trip Goblin's Lair - Goblin Valley
Date: 10/16/2022
Sun afternoon with Maddie, 1h45m including lots of nav issues getting to the start & some issues with the rope pull
1 trip Angel Slot - Angel Point
Date: 10/16/2022
Sunday morning with Maddie & Sam. 3.5 hrs including the overlook
1 trip Hog Canyons - North Wash
Date: 10/15/2022
Hog 1 with Maddie & Sam, 6.5 hrs all day Sat. Took the climber’s shortcut, couldn’t have done that without Sam.
1 trip Hogwarts Canyon - North Wash
Date: 10/14/2022
Fri afternoon with Maddie & Sam, slow going behind several large groups. Water in the pothole, ran into Sean from Steve & Grace’s Quandary trip
1 trip Blarney Canyon - North Wash
Date: 10/14/2022
Friday morning with Maddie & Sam, late start & about 3 hrs total. More physical than expected
1 trip Morocco Canyon - North Wash
Date: 04/24/2022
Sunday morning with Justin, Kasey, Kylie, Grace. 2.5 hrs
1 trip Slideanide Canyon - Poison Spring
Date: 04/23/2022
Sat morning with Justin, Grace, Kylie. 4-5 hrs, probably closer to 5 including the full walk back (approached from the south and couldn’t get the car all the way). Some tricky nav & a tough-for-me slickrock climb on the exit. Very physical
1 trip3 trip Leprechaun Canyon - North Wash
Date: 04/22/2022
Middle Fork with Justin, Kasey, Kylie. Took 6 hrs including waiting out some rain. Too narrow for Kasey, she just barely fit by going low (Justin had to go high).
1 trip Hogwarts Canyon - North Wash
Date: 04/22/2022
First canyon with Justin, Kylie, Kasey. Straightforward, easy rappels
