Leprechaun Canyon | Trip Report

bblanchard Trip Reports

Leprechaun Canyon

Twelfth canyon done. Dave and Judy Burnett, Rob Dean and Paul Dean were my teammates on this trip.  

We stationed a car at the bottom and all drove up in my truck for about 20 minutes or so. It was a washboard road but worth it. No hiking uphill.  

Prior to the first rappel many of the team decided that using the bathroom was important. The drop in was greeted by several animal bones and signs of people. I was hoping to see more signs but it was not ghosted nicely. Before the trip I was looking for a good knife for canyoneering and was torn between two knives. Low and behold while descending this canyon I found a knife nestled in the crack of the canyon floor the very knife I'd wanted. Whoever says canyon booty is trash? I was so happy. Anyway, the had proven to be a bit more of a workout that both Blarneys we did the day before. I wore my strong leather Vasques shoes and they saved my feet. I also used my Kevlar knee-pads and they were unphased. This canyon had my respect. We helped one another and carried on through until toward the bottom we notice the walls shooting upwards almost out of sight. Then we turn the corner and there it is, all the beauty found in one place. This canyon was a hidden gem and by looking from the road out into the dry desert plateau one would be hard pressed to even imagine the splendor that exists hidden within these rutted washes.  

I was pleasantly surprised at its beauty. Well worth the trip.

bblanchard Trip Reports