bblanchard | Trip Reports

Leprechaun Canyon

Twelfth canyon done. Dave and Judy Burnett, Rob Dean and Paul Dean were my teammates on this trip.  We stationed a car at the bottom and all drove up in my truck for about 20 minutes or so. It was a washboard road but worth it. No hiking uphill.  Prior to the first rappel many of the team decided that using the bathroom was important. The drop in was greeted by several animal bones and signs of people. I was hoping to see more signs but it was not ghosted nicely. Before the trip I was looking f......


Blarney Left Fork

Eleventh Canyon ever done. Dave and Judy Burnett, Rob Dean and Paul Dean were the teammates on this one.We had just finished hiking through Blarney Right Fork and decided to eat a little lunch then do this canyon. It was all familiar and we had seen while passing over to the right fork. So getting down was straight forward. Blarney's are good beginners and it was in this canyon that I asked Rob to do more of the guiding. He has been my canyoneering partner ever since I've started and was the on......


Blarney Right Fork

Tenth canyon ever done. Dave and Judy Burnett, Rob Dean and Paul Dean were the teammates on this trip. We hiked up the typical route and the thoughts came to my mind as the team leader, how in the world are we going to get through this? I was concerned because most of my experience had been in Zion where natural anchor building was unecessary. We are now in the wild wild west of canyoneering and I was hoping that all the video's and practice I'd done at home would be sufficient. So, we get to o......


Mystery Canyon

Nineth canyon ever done. Rob Dean was my teammate on this one. We had talked to Shane H and got some good meta-data from Road Trip Ryan before embarking on this hard to get permitted canyon. Shane had done this canyon the previous day and his knees weren't feeling well so he offered to drop us off and meet us at the Visitor's Center in Zion. Once we started our hike from the Easterly entrance finding the route was quite easy using the app. I was not prepared for the steep downclimb. It was a lo......


Behunin Canyon Second Time

Eight canyon I've done. Rob Dean is my teammate on this one. We were suppose to meet up with Shane H to either do Mystery or Pine Creek but couldn't get a hold of him. We saw his truck in the parking lot at the visitor center in ZION. After a bit of time going by we decided to skip waiting and pulled a permit to do Behunin. By the time we got to Grotto Trailhead it was around 1pm. This was not ideal on a long hike up and a farely technical canyon. But, we were excited as it was going to be our......


Zero G (gravity)

Seventh Canyon I'd ever done.  Shane Holst, Rob Dean, Dave Burnett, Caroline and DJ, Susan Burnett, William Burnett, Dean Burnett, and Paul Dean where the teammates on this one.As we hiked in Shane had us stop along the canyon edge and taught us anchor building.  While the rope was anchored , we dropped the other end into the canyon and left it as it was going to be there for us to use to get out of the canyon later on.We then ventured further up canyon and spent some time practicing building a......


KeyHole Canyone

Sixth Canyon I've ever done. Shane and Mary Holst, Rob Dean and Dave Burnett were the teammates on this one. With just our rappel equipment and wetsuits we made the climb up the side of the canyon and looped around. I'd heard about the seven canyoneers that were washed out of this canyon and ultimately killed. So I expected it to be a gnarly canyon. It was actually quite pleasant and fun. There was a group in front of us that had their kids. The parents were obviously seasoned in canyoneering a......


Behunin Canyon

Fifth canyon ever done.  Shane and Mary Holst, Rob Dean, and Dave Burnett were our teamates.  We started at the Grotto Trailhead and realized early from our experience the day before on Spry that Mary was going through menopause and had been suffereing the dreaded hotflashes.  It took an hour longer to climb to the  White Rim trail where Behunin begins. Once we arrived at the trailhead we had a bit of a rest and drank some water.  Dave didn't bring too much water......


Spry Canyon

Fourth Canyon ever done. Shane and Mary Holst, Rob Dean and Dave Burnett were my compadres for this canyon. We did the park and ride by stationing my truck on the west side of the tunnel before the road winds its way up to the tunnel. Then we drove Shanes truck back up to the trailhead on the east side of the tunnel. Here we started the hike by following the confluence of some wash. It turned out to be a bit longer and steeper climb than I'd imagined. We weren't in too big of a hurry. I don't r......


Pine Creek Canyon

Third canyon I'd ever done.  Went with Shane Holst, Mary Holst, Rob Dean, Michelle Dean, Laura Dean, Paul Dean, Caroline and DJ, Susan Burnett and William Burnett.   We stayed at the Ponderosa campground.   We rented canyon boots, neoprene booties and wetsuits from Zion Adventure Company.  Then we parked the cars at the climb out spot and left Shanes up top by the east tunnel entrance where we drop in. At first I was wierded out that in July we'd need......


YankeeDoodle Canyon

Second canyon ever done.  Went with Shane Holst, Mary Holst, Rob Dean, Michelle Dean, Laura Dean, Paul Dean, Caroline and DJ, Susan Burnett and William Burnett.   We stayed at the Ponderosa campground.  Shane drove his Toyota Tacoma.  I drove my Chevy Silverado and Caroline drove their Honda Accord(hybrid) I think.  There were some quick assisted down climbs with a handline and meat anchors.  The webbing for the pothole rap needed to be replaced. ......


Birch Hollow

First canyon ever done.  Went with Shane Holst, Mary Holst, Rob Dean, Michelle Dean, Laura Dean, Paul Dean, Caroline and DJ, Susan Burnett and William Burnett.   We stayed at the Ponderosa campground and did a park and ride to complete the canyon.  It was farely straight forward and had some precarious hiking on steep slopes.  Overall was a great experience....
