Pine Creek Canyon | Trip Report

bblanchard Trip Reports

Pine Creek Canyon

Third canyon I'd ever done.  Went with Shane Holst, Mary Holst, Rob Dean, Michelle Dean, Laura Dean, Paul Dean, Caroline and DJ, Susan Burnett and William Burnett.   We stayed at the Ponderosa campground.  

We rented canyon boots, neoprene booties and wetsuits from Zion Adventure Company.  Then we parked the cars at the climb out spot and left Shanes up top by the east tunnel entrance where we drop in.

At first I was wierded out that in July we'd need to stay warm in Southern Utah.  But as we ventured into the canyon I felt the affects of water that didn't see sunlight.  It began to get a little cold.  The further we traveled the better the experience became.  I couldn't believe how fun this canyon was.  It was truley my favorite canyon and still is top of the list.  The girls sang in the cathedral which sounded amazing because they could sing and the acoustics were awesome.  We saw a baby owl sitting on the end of the log we used to down climb with.  It was more impressive up close than I'd ever imagined an owl would be.  Once we existed the slot portion of the canyon we took off our wetsuits and caught some sun while eating our lunch.  Then the scramble down climb commenced.  It's runs into a pool where cliff diving, swimming and wading are expected.  Overall a great experience to top off my first trip of canyoneering.

bblanchard Trip Reports