Spry Canyon | Trip Report

bblanchard Trip Reports

Spry Canyon

Fourth Canyon ever done. Shane and Mary Holst, Rob Dean and Dave Burnett were my compadres for this canyon. We did the park and ride by stationing my truck on the west side of the tunnel before the road winds its way up to the tunnel. Then we drove Shanes truck back up to the trailhead on the east side of the tunnel. Here we started the hike by following the confluence of some wash. It turned out to be a bit longer and steeper climb than I'd imagined. We weren't in too big of a hurry. I don't remember too much of this canyon other than the free hanging rappel at the end and the downclimbing similar to Pine Creek which also ended up at the same pool of water as Pine Creek.

Once we arrived at the car we ate oranges. Overall, it was okay and the finish was nice.



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bblanchard Trip Reports