Trip Stats | Imlay Canyon (Sneak Route) - Zion Main Canyon

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With Dad and Niklas. First tracks for the season! A brutal approach from the right side, I would not go this way again... Awesome canyon! Made it even with some blunders. the water level wasn't so high, still quite a bit of pothole escapes. 8hr 52min

Did the FULL Imlay, not just the sneak. Chris, his nephew Thomas and Nicole all joined the group. Sara was suppose to be there but was injured. Long day, couple tight narrow places to get through. Got stuck for a minute in a keeper pothole. Water level was high, jumped a number of places



Did the full route starting at the West Rim Trailhead parking lot around 5:30 am. We were pretty slow through the first half of the canyon and reached the crossroads around noon. We hurried through the rest of the canyon and made it to the Narrows around 6:30. Shuttles had stopped running so we had the Narrows to ourselves. It was also high flow so we floated most of the way down the Narrows staring up at the massive sandstone walls and experiencing the majesty and beauty of that place with no one around but our group. It was surreal and unforgettable. Bryce wore the wrong shoes and was miserable. Team consisted of Matt W., Jared S., Jared S.'s daughter, Jeff B., Bryce and myself.


Full route from Lava Point Zack Alger & Ryan Wilcock



cold, but super full. Went w Alec, Quinn, Andrew, Logan. 15.5 hours car to shuttle, 3am to 6:30pm. incredible day.


Parked at the Grotto, started at around 5:30am, got to the shuttle bus after the Narrows at 5:45pm. The canyon was extremely dry (drought year) and we only ran into three potholes that required any real work to escape from. One partner assist the other two we pot shot and climbed out. The canyon was less challenging than we were expecting but still challenging. It was a lot of fun and quite beautiful. Would do again for sure. Team consisted of Matt W, Jared S, Jeff B, Bryce B, and myself.


With Nathan, Peter, Aaron, and Sayre. 4 or 5am start. Finished early. Potholes not too hard. Lots of fun!!

Guided by a friend who had experienced this canyon a couple prior times. It was an amazing marathon of a canyon.

Full Imlay


Scott, Alan, Joel, DJ and I Loved IMLAY!!!! What an amazing canyon, We shuttled from Lava point and did Full Imlay, The first two big walls are intimidating (mostly the 2nd wall), The 2nd wall beta was a little diff from (the 3 betas we had) what we were finding it took some planning between the 5 of us, ropes we had and the little room at each anchor mid wall. The sketchiest part was the loose rock down climb to the first rap on the 2nd wall I didn't like it at all, lots of exposure, it was safe but made me very nervous considering the penalty points (500 ft wall) and the big pack and not knowing the sequence of the big raps right ahead. We bivved up just after the crossroads,, the canyon was full of water no keepers (bummer I wanted to hook out of a few) we did have to climb out of one using a finger pull in the hook hole, but wasn't that hard. the last rap is very cool I hung my pack and went first. I'd do this canyon again. I wore my 3 mm full and my 2-3 shorty

Best Canyon Ever. So fun. Started at the Trailhead at 6 am. Perfect weather. Got back at 8pm. Hooked out of several pot holes.


Very full potholes



We did FULL IMLAY. Raps up to 200' w/ over 50 raps. We spent the night in canyon. 5mm full wetsuit & neo socks/gloves is a must. Potholes were 3/4 full & required hooking on most. Awesome beautiful canyon !!!

with Tom & Jeff. Used hooks, wetsuits, and 2 ropes.
