User | KtAllred

Tick List

1 trip Extended Lisa Falls - Little Cottonwood Canyon
Date: 06/15/2024
The river down in the main canyon is raging right now with the heat wave melting snow fast. Upper waterfalls were a little heavy. We were happy in our farmer Jane wetsuits, rain jackets, and neoprene socks. Great day out. 7 rappels for us. Used the drainage approach. 👍 4.5 hours car to car. You hike around the falls to the first rappel anchor and enter the drainage there. First time doing Lisa for both of us. Skipped one ripped bolt that was there to protect the hardest downclimb
1 trip The Wives - Capitol Reef
Date: 11/13/2021
11/13/2021 - Wife 5,4,3,1 with Brett. 5 and 3 are great. 5 had three little puddles of water that were easily avoidable. 4 has 2 squeezes, but was pretty interesting. 1 is probably not a repeater for me.
1 trip The Wives - Capitol Reef
Date: 10/23/2021
Wife 3 only with Carma