Trip Stats | Headless Hen and Raven Canyons - King Mesa

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Great time w Luke and Cooper!




Only had time for headless hen, difficult route finding, Fawne wasn’t moving fast or confident with climbing abilities and found a way out the canyon to quit. Bob jumped a drop off and broke his ankle but finished the day.

Did Raven. Owl friend found in pot hole and was harder and headier than I had expected. The potholes were hardest for me.

Headless only.


Erik and I did this canyon. Scariest Iand most dangerous I have ever done. High exposed stemming, at times in a full bridge. The crux was the series of potholes/silos at the end of the canyon. I led the "black raven" silo, getting my left foot on the opposing ledge before stepping my right foot back to the comfortable shelf on the right side, looking down canyon. Erik had me on belay for this. Shortly after, we dropped down into a subsequent pothole at my urging. The stemming afterward was very high, and seemed to widen out to impassable levels. I'm not sure if we were too high in this section or what, but I didn't see a comfortable way too pass by following the beta's suggestion of stemming over everything. Erik did some impressive climbing and parkour moves to surpass the remaining 2 potholes, while I lead and set up a successful pack toss that I used to get through. Canyon finished uneventfully, and I saw an owl with its dead mouse inside one of the potholes.

loved these 2 canyons! I love the pothole challenges of HH.
