Trip Stats | Pleiades Canyon - Moab

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Uber Adventures - Moab 2023



Hot day, with loud thunderheads. Bailed on the strip skiing and poked around in Brumley instead. So much stinging nettle, but wildflowers were still lovely.


Did this canyon again with my daughter Jennica, a friend Fabio and met up with Tammy Tucker along with about 4 of her coworkers. We wore wet suits, although I think I could have gone without. I put on my wet suit jacket after the 4th rappel. Lots of fun, no accidents. Tammy and I rigged, and leap frogged forward. Hike out was steep like usual.

Went with Tammy, Mark, Rich, Seth, and Ron. Flow was 6.5 cfs and we did get very wet. I wish I brought the full wetsuit! Air temp was about 65 degrees at the start (high elevation). Very nice sections, but short. Fun rappels from natural anchors except the last which was bolted. A great way to cool off!

Rapped in ice climbed out

Started this in the afternoon but maybe a little too late. Alysen, Jordan, Mark, Chad, Craig and myself all were looking for a good escape from the heat. We drove to the trailhead with our summer clothing on, not realizing that the coolness of the mountain along with the frigid water would be such a factor. We only brought rain slickers, and some of us like Jordan & Alysen forgot those as well. The tempurature at the start of the hike was 69º. It wasn't bad until after we went through the second waterfall, when we entered the overhanding cave like structure. Mark headed down at the 4th waterfall/rappel to prepare. Alysen was on a large boulder structure (the size of a good sized house) where the rope was rigged. She asked if she could rappel it rather than follow us as we had all hiked around it to a launch pad. I said sure, and she attached herself to it, then she slid off the boulder and immediately slid down the rope unattached! I don't really know how but her rappel device was still on the rope at the top of the boulder. We ran to her and check her for injuries. The rope was wet and slippery - so her hands were not burned. She stood up and began to ball as the magnitude of what almost happened hit her. Luckily she was uninjured, but we still needed to get her and the rest of us down. I talked to her, held her and then put her on the rope to continue down. She was able to go through the funnel to the bottom of the last rappel, where the mist and cold put a sheen of ice on everything. Everyone but myself went down as I was LAMAR. I followed and pulled the rope were I could see the Alysen was not it good shape. She was going into hypothermic shock. Mark insisted that she rappel tandem with him and he went on the last rappel first, then got her off to the side, out of the mist from the waterfalls and started feeding her and put an emergency blanket around her. The rest of us, shivering and half frozen followed as soon as possible. It was a close call, one I will not forget. Luckily we all made it out, were able to warm up on the hike back out to the cars and were grateful that we were able to survive the experience to learn from it.

Frozen water, super pretty! Got to set up a TR to try some ice climbing

Wet suits, lots of bees. Somewhat wet


Completed Solo




Did this canyon with Mark Hartner. Water was cold, but did it without a wetsuit.



ice climb

Group of 6, it took us 3 and a half hours. Great level of flow for enjoying the scenery of the canyon.


Pleiades Canyon My buddy and I completed this canyon yesterday (9/17/16). It was my first weekend canyoneering, and my partner was the one showing me the sport. Unfortunately, on the 3rd rappel, he pulled his shoulder out grabbing onto a rock(Not a great place to be injured). Fortunately, we knew enough from rock climbing/rescue to get him out of there safely and rush to the ER. We had two ropes but also left two ropes because I managed to get them stuck in a state of panic and uncertainty. I wasn't familiar with clean anchor systems. A lot was learned, and will wait to return until my canyoneering knowledge is better. If you happen to read this and retrieve the ropes anytime soon, I would greatly appreciate the return and pay for any sort of shipping with a reward. Email me

Fun romp! Great rest day activity for the Moab area!


There was still ice in late May!



Got a rope stuck on the 2nd to last rap, ascended, not too bad going up a water fall



estimated date



Great Trip! Difficult to find without these guided instructions but these directions are spot on. Last two raps are my favorite. Combined the 2nd and 3rd rap and was still able to pull the rope successfully. Careful about getting the rope stuck if you do this. One natural anchor for 2nd rap and the rest all have webbing. Water is COLD! No sunlight from 2nd rap through the last rap.

What a nice place to go on a hot summer day.

Gotta be one of the best Slot Canyons I have ever done! Love this canyon. Short and VERY SWEET!


Pleiades is one of my favorite canyons I have ever done. It is so short, by time you get started you are done, but it is so, so pretty. We did it mid summer and still swam past park bench size chunks of ice so go for the cold. Great natural anchor and retrievable anchor practice here as well.

With the 15th ward YM after the survival high adventure

With Nicole

