User | richardpattison



113 Karma

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Ancient Art - Fisher Towers

Ancient Art 4 mins full climb

Baptist Draw - Southern Swell

Baptist Draw & Upper Chute canyon

Blue John Canyon - Robbers Roost

Blue John East & Main fork loop

Bullwinkle Tower - Arches

Bullwinkle Tower

Cathedral Wash - Marble Canyon

Cathedral Wash canyon

Chimney Rock - Escalante

Chimney Rock Escalante

Chimney Rock - San Rafael Swell

Chimney Rock - San Rafael Swell

Cottonwood Wash Narrows - Paria

Cottonwood Wash Narrows

Good Day Jim Canyon - Bullfrog

Good Day Jim Canyon

Herm Pollock Slot - Paria

Herm Pollock Slot

Little Wild Horse Canyon / Bell Canyon - San Rafael Swell

Little Wild Horse Canyon & Bell Canyon

Looking Glass Rock - Moab

Looking Glass Rock

Merry Piglet - North Wash

Merry Piglet Canyon

Middle Fork of Maidenwater - Trachyte

Maidenwater Canyon Middle Fork

Music Canyon - Southern Swell

Music Canyon, Muddy Creek & Mud Canyon

Neon Canyon - Escalante

Neon Canyon - The Edge of the Earth

North Fork of Robbers Roost - White Roost

North Fork of Robbers Roost

Parriott Mesa - Castle Valley

Parriot Mesa Cable Route

Pasture Canyon - White Roost

Pothole Fork of Pasture Canyon

Pasture Canyon - White Roost

Little Fork of Pasture Canyon

Round Valley Draw - Paria

Round Valley Draw

South Fork of Maidenwater - Trachyte

Maidenwater Canyon South Fork

Sunglow Canyons / Trail - Bicknell

Sunglow Canyon (West Fork)

The Black Hole of White Canyon - Hite

Black Hole of White Canyon

White Roost Canyon - White Roost

West Fork of White Roost Canyon

Willis Creek - Bryce Area

Willis Creek canyon

Wilson Arch - Moab

Wilson Arch